Sunday, July 27, 2014

When "I'm sorry" just doesn't cut it

Today. I hurt my daughter. I accused her of something in that "you always" sort of way. It was stupid. It was petty. It was painful. Our computer was acting up. That's all it was, but it should have been a simple fix, and it wasn't. I was frustrated. It was driving me crazy, and she was right there. She was the last one to use it. It was just the computer.

I blamed her, she tried to explain, and I wouldn't listen. She went to her room- her constant sanctuary away from the tirades of her mother. A sanctuary she needs more often than I care for her to need it.

After I cooled down, I called for her to come and give the computer thing we were working on one more try. I googled for a solution, and thought I found a good one. She came back down to the computer room to try and sync her ipad one more time.

I tried to play off our previous incident by just being cool. Pretend like it never happened. That wasn't going to work. She apologized to me and tried explain one more time that she didn't mess with the computer. That is when God simply reminded me that I had hurt her. i was supposed to be the safe haven in her life. I am supposed to be the one who builds her up, but instead, I tore her down.

I looked right at my precious, oldest child and said "I'm sorry." I knew immediately that it wasn't enough. I told her that I was frustrated at the situation, but I WAS WRONG. I asked for her to forgive me. I told her that i was upset because this simple computer issue was making me feel stupid, obviously she didn't cause the problem, and I know that I hurt her when she did nothing to invoke my wrath.

I asked for her forgiveness, which she gave freely. I am a blessed woman to have such a caring, forgiving child. It is so undeserved. We went on to fix the problem together- both in our relationship and the stupid computer.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Is Satan at the bottom of it all?

I know I have said, I certainly have heard other people say it, and there is a certain truth to the truth that Satan does attack us. But when things go wrong, is this always the case? Has this reason become as trite as "the devil made me do it!" One of my frustrations (perhaps another entry, another day) is when people release the responsibility of their own sin by claiming a demon is surrounding them, or they are being oppressed. Demons are not allowed where they are not welcome, but I digress...

The Bible says a lot about spiritual warfare- there is a battle occurring that we do not see, but certainly feel the effects. This is not what is being disputed. It is happening. We have been given armor to join in the fight. Our weapon is the Word of God, and we are protected by faith, righteousness, truth and the like. However, I find it hard to believe that Satan is lurking around every corner and hiding under every rock.

I know a family where there have been a series of deaths, loss of jobs, financial woes, frustrating circumstances. The first thing given credit was "My family is under attack!" Is this really the case? Knowing more about some of the choices that are being made- excessive spending, addiction to pornography, not attending church or tapping into a faith community- it makes me wonder. Are they being attacked, or could it be something else?

Perhaps one indicator of what it could be is how one responds to the trial. When things go wrong- sickness, loss of position, pain, etc. am I turning toward God? Am I searching for a reason through prayer and diving into scripture? Am I examining my heart to see if, maybe, I brought some of this on myself? Or, am I claiming "Satan!" and leaving it at that.

The truth is, sometimes bad things happen to us and it has nothing to do The death, and raising, of Lazarus had little to do with Lazarus, and everything to do with Jesus revealing his power to his disciples and followers. Also, bad things happen to us, and we may never receive an explanation.

There are examples in the Bible of Satan being allowed to strip people of what is important to them. See Job. There are examples of Satan being allowed to tempt and harass someone as a test. See Jesus in the Wilderness. This happens because God allows it to happen.

Our fatal error in the "Satan is Attacking me" sentiment is that we place our focus on the wrong thing. Beth Moore states, "the fastest way to lose our balance in warfare is to rebuke the devil more than we relate to God."

I know a family that lives on the go, without leaving margin in their life for rest. When the husband contracted an illness that forced him to stop and left him bedridden for a few days, they called it an attack by Satan. What if God allowed the illness to help them slow down and see that rest is as important as movement?

There is an instance in the Bible, Genesis 32, where God want to show someone the He was God, and He was in control. It came time for Jacob to reconnect with Esau after Jacob had fled in fear because he had stolen Esau's blessing from Isaac. It had been years since Jacob had seen Esau, and he was rightly afraid of an attack. Jacob devised many plans to win over Esau, as well as protect what was his. He sent servants to gauge Esau's reaction. He split all he had into two groups so if Esau attacked one, he would at least have the other. He sent extravagant gift in hopes to win favor. His prayers were laced with worry (Yikes, I am scared. What if, what if, but God you promised!)
Finally, Jacob sent everyone toward Esau, and when he was alone a man provoked him to wrestle. When Jacob continued to struggle, the man touched his hip and injured Jacob's leg leading to his defeat. The man was finally revealed as God, and changed Jacob's name to Israel (meaning "struggles with God"). Jacob limped on toward Esau with a new appreciation that God is in control. God doesn't break his promises.

It was God who injured Jacob. We look at some things that happen in our life and credit Satan. In truth, God may be trying to teach us an important lesson that will allow us to grow and prosper!

So how do you find out which one it is? Easy- turn to God and ask Him. Seek His Word for His truths. Open your heart to the possibility that this may have been brought on by sin, or the possibility that whatever the challenge is, it has nothing to do with you. God is faithful. Your heart will be changed, and He will use whatever hurt for His glory and your growth.