I am so pleased you have stopped by- absolutely tickled!
Just a little about me. My name is Janna and I am the wife of a really hot husband, and the mom to three amazing kids. We live just outside York, PA.
"Among the Branches" has two, quite complementary, meanings. First, it comes from a Bible verse- Psalm 104:12. It speaks of birds nesting by water and singing among the branches. What a beautiful image. It reminds me to make my home, my heart, close to the life source. For me, that is Jesus. And yet, it reminds me to sing among the branches. I need to take that home and go out to the branches and sing! We are called to leave our comfort, and proclaim Christ's love to all. When a bird sings, it is an invitation, a way to make their presence known, and a way to give a warning that danger is near. I believe that is what we are called to do! Invite, make His presence known, and warn people of the dangers that lurk nearby.
The other inspiration for "Among the Branches" comes from a quotation by Rumi. It says, "maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots." What lovely wisdom! My desire is that i look for truth and wisdom in the roots, and not search for it in the branches of life.
My hope is that when you visit, when you read, you find encouragement and can step away from your screen with a renewed energy to grow deeper in your roots, and the courage to sing in the branches!
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